-AROON popped showing the correction is now here and accumulation is evident.
-MA's are showing the support/resistance zones.
-Double Bottom
-MACD's testing neutral
Micron has pulled back after double bottoming and running from 5.5 to almost 9 dollars. This recent retracement will take some time, but this is where one should be accumulating. Semiconductors will lead the technology recovery(see blog post "The Other Commodity"). I also have included the DRAM pricing with MU because the semi's are nothing more than a commodity, but rather than it be a commodity of nature, it's a commodity of "humanity" - meaning it's a byproduct of our human intelligence and the initialization into the technological world we will continue to advance into. DRAM prices are stable, and are slightly trending higher.
The correlation between stock price and commodity price is real, so watch for this correlated relationship, but MU is for sure a continued accumulation as Pollux Technicals believes the next great bull is in Semiconductors.
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